Design and production of stairs in domegliara
All in studio deals with both the design and production of marble and glass staircases and furnishing accessories in verona.
we are specialized in the realization on an internal scale in verona and the province.
Installation and testing
Installation and assembly of luxury objects for furniture in verona
Production handcrafted by expert and capable hands
Cad_cam technology
Thanks to the complete digitalization of the 3d models, in the studio it generates dxf files for the transfer of the same to cn centers.
Solid prototyping
If required, we produce scaled prototypes (polymers) using a 3d printer
3d parametric design
3d technology for the design of complex solids and surfaces
3d scanning
3d technology for the survey of existing geometries
Work well, develop well
The partners we work with
Pietropoli Arredamenti
Arredamenti su misura a caprino veronese
Write us for info
We transform materials into works of art
Via Passo di Napoleone, 1040 Volargne di Dolcè
All in studio by claudio dal prete - via napoleone, 22 - 37015 - sant'ambrogio di valpolicella (vr) - p.iva 04064200233 - c.f. dlpcld67d29f861i - Informativa privacy e cookie - web design verona